Pt. Madan Swaroop Shotriya,
our patron. (Chairman)
"The action of a great man provide inspiration to others whatever he does become a standard for them to follow."
Pt. madan Swaroop Shotriya epitomised the pioneering sprit of man. His exceptional leadership quality, dynamism & unwavering commitment to excellence continue to guide and inspire us.
The school is named after Pt. Madan Swaroop Shotriya, our patron. (Chairman). P.M.S School is a school for students from Pre-Nursery to Class 12. The school follows the syllabus prescribed by NCERT and the Central Board of Secondary Education.
P.M.S. believes that education is a continuous and creative process. Its aim is to develop the latent capacities of human nature & to coordinate their expression for the enrichment & progress of the society by equipping children with material, moral & spiritual knowledge.