The school is providing transport facility to the willing students at reasonable charges. The student can choose the most appropriate mode of transport i.e. rickshaw, van or bus according to their convenience.

Those who avail the school transport are expected to bear in mind the following points:-
- Students using the bus are expected to conduct themselves properly so as to avoid any discomfort or inconvenience to other in the bus.
- No letter, applications, cheques and cash etc. are to be sent to the school through the driver or the conductor of the van, bus.
- Once the transport facility has been extended to a student, full transport charges for the year shall be charged even of the student discontinues the use of the school transport in the middle course.
- The school buses will pick up from and drop the students at the fixed points only.
- No students shall use the school transport of such facility has not been granted. Any student found using the school bus in an un-authorized manner, shall have to pay the transport charges for the whole year.
The school operates buses and vans. The details of bus/van routs, pick-up and drop-off points, time schedules & bus charges will be provided by the school at the tome of admission of students.