Jai Sai Ram

"Life today is on the fast track with gigantic changes in the field of science, technology, management, information and communication. We see around us an array of global changes which were unheard before. This situation demands an education system which will help the pupil face the changes."

Thus, education for us means equipping the pupil with the means to find the answers for himself and within himself so that he emerges a multi-facted persona. The school seeks to ensure that not only the children are able to develop their fullest potentials according to their unique natural ability but also inculcate values like wisdom, compassion, courage, humility,, integrity & reliability.

We, at PMS Public School believe in holistic education of our pupils. We want them to have a vibrant dynamism, an unparalleled knowledge base, an acute consciousness about the world, a focused ambition & a sustained commitment.

We impart education that is based on conscience & we rear a breed of young minds that are bustling with self confidence, motivation and ever ready to take up challenges. The campus, sports, cultural, co-curricular activities & academic facilities all bear testimony to this effort.

We are confident that this school is the best place for your child. We welcome your active interest & involvement in the progress of your child. We look forward to your continuous support.